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Call for Papers

RSE n. 1 (2025): Literature, visual culture and childhood: historical itineraries and hermeneutic perspectives

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Data: 27 Gennaio 2024

RSE n. 1 (2025): Literature, visual culture and childhood: historical itineraries and hermeneutic perspectives

Call for Papers: DEADLINE 29 Feb 2024 
Edited by Chiara LEPRIJuri MEDA & Martino NEGRI

Images have always been linked to stories, long before these began to be printed in books embellished — with the evolution of printing methods processes — with colourful illustrations and rich in details. Initially — for technical and economic reasons — the images reproduced within the books were few and were woodcuts and engravings that were simple in structure and crude in sign, printed in black and white. Later, thanks to the introduction of chromolithographic printing in the second half of the 19th century, images began to be published in bright colours and in larger formats, ideal for captivating readers, invited to the pleasures of lingering, immersion and rapture... read more

Journal of History of Education RSE  is an international, peer-reviewed and open-access journal focused on the global significance and impact of history of education. It covers all the theoretical and practical aspects of the history of education, as well as scholarship and applied research. It is the official journal of CIRSE (Italian Center for History of Education), the field’s leading scientific society in Italy, and has been published since 2014 (since 1982 with another title). The journal is biannual and publishes both special and miscellaneous issues. It encourages submissions from a range of intersecting sub-fields in intellectual, social, political, economic, and cultural history including (but not limited to): sociology of knowledge, history of childhood and youth, public and urban history,  cultural and comparative history, history of ideas, history of emotions.
