Workshop ‘Colonialism and education in a comparative perspective: analysing gendered civilizing missions (ca. 1850-1970)’
In recent years, education has received renewed attention from historians interested in nineteenth- and twentieth-century colonial contexts. Influenced by new research in the fields of children’s studies and colonial studies, historians have attempted new approaches: they have, for example, turned to the study of educational practice and pedagogy in colonial settings, investigated the role age and race played in the colonial classroom, reflected on children’s agency in colonial educational structures, and drawn comparisons between different geographical contexts and forms of colonialism. The workshop encourages a comparative approach on different levels, drawing from a body of scholarship that has demonstrated the fruitfulness of comparisons between different empires, colonies, regions and schools of different signatures. We hope to bring together a group of around ten scholars working on diverse geographical, religious and cultural contexts, which will enable a discussion on which approaches and methods are regarded as most fruitful for researchers across the field of colonial history. Apart from historians working on ‘overseas’ European colonies, we also strongly encourage scholars of the European land empires and other colonial/imperial political constellations to apply. Topics and themes may include:
- Theoretical reflections on age, gender and education in a colonial context - Methodological issues and source material related to colonial education - Oral histories about children’s and teachers’ experiences - Discourses of ‘modernity’ and ‘tradition’ in relation to education - Family life and domesticity in colonial education - The relationship between education, gender and the marriage market - Education as a preparation for paid labour - Colonial education, charity and its gendered aspects Information
The workshop is to be held on 26 October 2017 in Villa Salviati, EUI, Florence. To apply, please send an abstract of around 500 words and a short biographical note to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. by 20 April 2017. Applicants will be notified of the decision in May. Organizers:
Maryna Batsman and Kirsten Kamphuis (European University Institute) Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk and Daniëlle Teeuwen (Wageningen University & Research) CFP