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Call for Papers

Comparative education studies: current national and European trends and prospects for world development

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Comparative education studies: current national and European trends and prospects for world development



Dossier monografico «Rivista di Storia dell’educazione» n. 2, 2018:

Angelo Gaudio e Carla Callegari eds ; Comparative research in the field of education is currently witnessing a number of trends and positions that reveal the rude health of a field that, over recent decades, has been able, by building on established traditions, to seize the opportunities offered by a changing cultural, social and political environment, both in Europe and around the world. It is a field marked by lively dialogue whereby comparativists – typically reflecting their own national traditions – revisit the epistemological and methodological basis of their research and experiment with new approaches... Contributions may make reference to one of the problems indicated, highlighting the national tradition in which they are situated and attempting to outline trends and potential for development for comparative research in an Italian, European or worldwide context. Contributions will be received in English


  • The epistemology of comparative education and its methodological development.
  • Comparing pedagogical theories and educational methodologies in different national contexts.
  • " educational policies and practices, as applied in different contexts .
  • " school systems in Europe and around the world.
  • " writings by Italian authors, in the form of descriptive and travel writing, on the subject of non-Italian education systems and authors from other countries, from the unification of Italy to the present day.
  • " writings by non-Italian authors on the subject of Italian authors and aspects of schools and education in Italy, from the unification of Italy to the present day.


The deadline for submitting proposals is 31 January 2018. The authors must present a short abstract in which to briefly describe the context of the article and to articulate the subject matter of the article, taking care to indicate the methodology used, the type of sources and a succinct reference bibliography (no more than 10 titles). Abstract should be directed to the CIRSE Secretariat, to the attention of prof. Gianfranco Bandini: ; (and for knowledge to the curators of the dossier, at: ; By 28 February 2018, the outcome of the preliminary assessment and the acceptance or not of the proposals will be communicated. Accepted authors must first register on the magazine platform ( ). The proposed text will then be uploaded directly to the journal's platform according to the instructions ( ). Any text will be submitted to an anonymous peer review, according to the magazine's standards. For more information, please write to: